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Historic Fort Taiaroa

Did you know a secret fort lies hidden beneath our world famous Royal Albatross colony? Explore underground tunnels, learn the fascinating military history & see the world's only restored 1886 Armstrong Disappearing gun protecting Dunedin from harm.

Fort Taiaroa, established over 100 years ago to counter the threat of invasion from Tsarist Russia, is hidden beneath the albatross colony. Visitors can explore this fascinating secret fort, learn the military history, from Maori pa to WWII Fort and view the only Armstrong Disappearing Gun of its type in the world, still in working trim, in its original gun pit.

Inspect at first hand the famous 1886 six inch caliber hydraulic disappearing gun. Stroll through the underground tunnels and view the deep-down magazines. Check out detailed models which show how the gun worked. Inspect the stunning panoramic views from the fully equipped Battery Observation Post with its original (1886) depression range finder and imagine watching for enemies.

Contact us by

+64 3 478 0499

Physical Address

P O Box 492
New Zealand
