“We would probably go to Moana Pool every day if we could. Sometimes we come here when it’s too cold to do anything outside, because it’s always warm here.
Moana pool is great for us kids. You can dive, swim in the waves or just splash around while the adults sit in the boring spa. Also, if you're racing your friends on the hydro slide, make sure you get to the fast one before they do – because you definitely can’t beat them if you go on the slow slide. And be careful on the red corner.
If you get bored you can go in the wave pool or the diving pool. Sometimes they have a bubble machine in the diving pool and you can jump off the 3-metre board into it and it makes the water feel really soft. I’ve never jumped off the tower but I definitely want to.”
Macklin (12)

“A soak in the spa is our little luxury while the kids are off entertaining themselves. The hydro slide is perfect because it keeps them busy for ages. The best thing is they’re always exhausted after being at the pool that they drop off as soon as their heads hit the pillows.”
Macklin’s dad